In a world-first, Ximena Aguilera, the Minister for Health in Chile's government, has appointed an Advisor on Mindfulness. The post will be held by Bruno Solari, a psychologist with more than 15 years of experience in teaching and promoting mindfulness. 

The move comes as interest in the practice of mindfulness increases across the continent of South America, and has the potential to bring its benefits to the heart of politics and public policy.

In November of last year, Bruno brought together a number of leaders in the Chilean mindfulness sector to meet with Chris Ruane, the chair of our international network for mindfulness in politics, during his visit to the country. 

Chris said of the news, "Bruno’s appointment is a wonderful step forward in mindfulness policy. I’m unaware of any other minister in the world appointing a mindfulness advisor. We wish Bruno well in his new job and hope he’s able to develop mindfulness policy throughout Chile, and share the lessons of success with the rest of the world."